
目前顯示的是 9月, 2010的文章


今年生日在葡萄牙 Douro 度過,先後在兩家 Douro Boys 酒莊吃了兩個生日蛋糕。在 Quinta do Vale Meao 的酒窖,更遇到一條活潑小蛇扭動蛇腰熱情相迎。對,我是蛇年出生的。

Chateau Figeac莊主Thierry Manoncourt逝世

剛收到 Eric d’Aramon 的電郵,得悉 Chateau Figeac 老莊主 Thierry Manoncourt 逝世的消息。當你看過他簡短的自傳,就會知道他對酒莊以至整個波爾多貢獻有多大了。 Thierry Manoncourt - in his own words The story of a life dedicated to innovation (Text of a presentation, probably written in 2009) My life as a winemaker came about by chance, nothing in my family background predestined me to this: my great-grandfather built the railway line between Moscow and Saint Petersburg, my paternal grandfather was in import-export in Egypt during the building of the Suez Canal, my other grandfather was Director at the Hôtel de Ville in Paris in the beginning of the 20th century, and my father made scales for Marie Curie when she was researching radioactivity. My maternal grandparents lived near Paris, in Neuilly, and they bought Château de Figeac in 1892. They had thrice refused an offer to purchase the estate since they had no intention of living there; when they decided to buy it was simply as a real estate investment, since it made little sense to ...

Every Time We Say Goodbye

在唱片公司工作的日子,最驚險的一次是 Simply Red 在香港紅館舉行的首場音樂會。當晚因為器材故障,揚聲器未能發聲,於是音樂會要臨時取消。我作了最壞的打算,幸好最後並無發生任何失控情況。 一別十多年, Simply Red 再次來港,我由唱片行業跳到葡萄酒世界,Mick Hucknall 亦成為了意大利西西里島 Etna 火山一家酒莊的莊主。這是 Simply Red 的告別音樂會,以後,Mick Hucknall 可以有更多時間打理他的酒莊了。 Simply Red Farewell - The Final Tour 日期:2010年9月22日 (星期三) 地點:香港會議展覽中心展覽廳 5BC 票價:$1,280/ $980/ $680/ $380

葡萄酒知識(法國酒區) 單元證書課程

我替香港職業訓練局 IVDC 主講的 《葡萄酒知識(法國酒區)單元證書課程》 將於10月2日開班,詳情可電 3907 6789 查詢。