12 月 2 日,意大利Tuscany著名酒莊Case Basse被暴徒潛入,酒窖內橡木桶熟成中 2007至2012共6個年份的 Brunello di Montalcino 全部被倒進溝渠! 這肯定是莊主 Gianfranco Soldera 最慘痛的聖誕節,亦是 Soldera 酒粉的噩耗,接著的 6 年,將不會再喝到 Soldera Brunello di Montalcino。如果你的酒柜有幸仍有幾瓶,希望今年你的聖誕派對可以考慮一下給我一張邀請咭。 以下是 Consorzio del Vino Brunello di Montalcino 為這事件發出的官方新聞稿: THE EXTRAORDINARY COUNCIL OF THE CONSORTIUM OF BRUNELLO OF MONTALCINO REITERATES ITS CONDEMNATION AND RESOLVES TO TAKE CONCRETE ACTION TO SUPPORT THE COMPANY Montalcino, December, 07-2012 - At its meeting this morning to discuss the affair concerning the Case Basse company, the extraordinary council of the Consortium of Brunello di Montalcino wished to restate in the strongest possible terms its condemnation of the act of vandalism suffered by the company and to reaffirm the solidarity of all producers and of the entire region. President Fabrizio Bindocci had expressed this solidarity in the immediate aftermath and right from the start has demonstrated a heartfelt moral supp...